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Who We Are?

Hunar Women Enterprise - An Enterprise For Self Reliance Of Women.

Hunar is an enterprise of slum women in Jaipur with a focus on the issues of social security, employment and gender justice primarily women from Muslim minorities, Dalits and other deprived communities.

​Our goal is to form a women’s collective to combat social inequalities and economic deprivation so that the women develop a collective identity emerge as empowered successful entrepreneurs and citizens who have a vision for themselves, their families, and the community.


The Women have been part of the Literacy, Continuing Education and Skill development program run by the parent organization Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti Rajasthan, (BGVSRaj).

More than 2500 artisans were covered in this program, their SHG groups were formed and they were linked with all the social security schemes like Health insurance, running schools for children and literacy and continuing centers for women, skill up-gradation training, making artisan cards and linking them with banks for loans.

Counseling and legal support have been provided to women in distress and facing domestic violence.


Very specialized training organized for embroidery, tailoring, and entrepreneurship for skill development of the women.

Hunar essentially works to upgrade the skills of women so they can get exposure to new designs, new fabrics, and new techniques and get the right wages for their work.

Hunar also markets these products to do away with the middlemen so that all the profits go directly the women.